Friday, July 22, 2016

The Candy Tangerine Man

Ever watch a movie where a pimp grabs a cue ball after losing a game and yell "white honkey mother fucking ball" you will when you watch Candy Tangerine Man.

This is the story of The Barron a really nice pimp. He's good to all his women he even let's the have weekends off. Why would a pimp do that you ask, because on the weekends he goes home to his wife and family in the suburbs. See his family doesn't know he's a pimp they think he's a traveling salesman.

He works his girls out of a massage parlor and drives around in a tangerine colored custom Rolls Royce complete with pop out machine guns.

He's harassed by crooked cops, gets into it with the local evil pimp, and even has to battle the mob. This is all done in violent fashion. Breasts cut off, mutilation, constant chase and gun battles, you name it.

Its also one of the best exploitation films of the 70s. Its biggest complaint was that the VHS as well as the DVD were horrible transfers. Well I am happy to say Vinegar Syndrome has taken care of that with a beautiful 2k transfer off the original 35mm print.

If that is not enough you also get a beautiful transfer of the film Lady Cocoa.

Lady Cocoa is a lesser know film that I haven't seen since I was a kid. Its about a young diva of a woman named Cocoa. She's stuck in prison for not cooperating in the trail of her racketeering boyfriend. She decides to finally testify against him on one condition, she gets a night out on the town.

She's protected by a young, and old cop but it doesn't take long for her boyfriends muscle to track her down. I know it seems like a generic plot but here's the sell point. One of the evil Henchmen is played by Mean Joe Greene.

Here's all that's included in this collection
1. Scanned and restored in 2k from 35mm archival prints
2. Director's video introduction for The Candy Tangerine Man
3. Commentary track for Lady Cocoa with Director Matt Cimber and Director's Assistant / Actor John Goff
4. Reversible cover for Lady Cocoa
5. English SDH Subtitles
6. Closed Captioning

So if you want to watch a movie with the tagline of "Git back Jack give him no Jive, he's the Baddessst cat of 75" get this release

Overall 4.5 out of 5 stars

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Beautiful Prison

Yesterday I say down to watch A Beautiful Prison. I had no real idea what it was, and that was by choice.  Lately I find myself not wanting to know anything about the film I will be watching. It helps make me more prepared to be surprised.

Beautiful Prison is the story of Ben, a mentally handicapped young man who works at a manufacturing plant with his slacker pot head friend Jerry. We find out through a series of very dark and graphic flashbacks that Ben was once normal but a beating he got from his dad caused him to be slow.

His sister just so happens to be married to his boss. Ben spends,most days watching a Mexican soap opera and dreaming of Jubelie, the female lead. His distractions with this cause him to drift off at work causing production delays.

One day after another mishap Jerry steps in to cover for him and gets fired. Fueled by his anger he gets in a physical confrontation with his boss/brother in law and is hit buy a car putting him in a coma.

Inside his dream world he learns he can control what happens. He's no longer slow, he's dating the girl he dreams about, everything is good unroll he starts flashing back to the day in his childhood where he was hurt.

The film has a great washed out color look and the dream world is haunted by zombie like creatures when things are bad. The score of well done and sets the pacing of each scene very well.

The acting on Kaelin Stockwell as Ben is fantastic. He's sympathetic and believable. You become vested through the film watching his character develop. I was actually dissapointed we did not see him play the mentally challenged version of Ben longer as his facial expressions and mannerisms were amazing.

Overall this a a great film. Compelling characters, a great story, and strong performances by all involved make this a high recommendation

Overall 3 out of 5 stars